Fluff Bug Creature

Found some time to work on my bee/humming bird/moth creature. I'm basically done with this, not 100% on the fluff, but it's on it's way. When I am not working on anything else I'll continue to post these. They're fun to do and great practice. Thanks for looking.

Color Sketch

 Monster/creature doodle. I'll be working on this more.

Speed(ish) Painting of David Gold

I found this from not too long ago. I tried to get a quick likeness of one of my favorite musicians. Although, I'll be the first to tell you I am not the fastest painter around.

If you haven't heard of them, check out Woods of Ypres. David passed away early last winter in an automobile accident. However, in a Nostradamic manner, he left behind a collection of work heavily themed around the concept of what death is, the urgency of loving those around you and cherishing life for what it is, regardless of how you interpret it. He was a man with a kind heart and an epic beard.

In Progress

Still working on this one, but I think its coming along pretty well. The hands and suit need work, but with those done and some overall sharpening we should be set!

I'm Still Alive

Back around early January, I started having some major computer related issues and I have been out of commission for quite some time. This caused me to go into a pretty bad slump. I started doubting myself, wondering why I was doing art and if I even should anymore.

Some pretty important people in my life (you know who you are) helped me back on my feet and rekindled the fire, and for that I cannot thank you enough. I now have a new rig and a new enthusiasm towards my work.

While I've been gone, I set a goal for myself. A challenge, sketch one monster per day for fifty days. I'm ready to share them and they should be popping up here on a much more regular basis. This is the first one from my sketchbook. More to come!